Introducing the various research and community projects of BioGeometry and their astounding results, which demonstrate the
power of BioGeometry.
The heart of BioGeometry, vibratory radiesthesia or the physics of energy quality, explained in a concise way everyone can understand.
From the secret temple sciences to BioGeometry.
The shift from right to right brain use in mankind's history.
The 12-band energy spectrum.
The core of BioGeometry is the BG3, the one harmonizing subtle energy of nature. We discuss what is the BG3 and basic methods of generating it.
Learning how to measure the amount of BG3 in a person, space, object, etc using the BG Scale Ruler supplied in the course materials.
The essential skill of detecting BG3 energy qualities in anything or anywhere.
Using the BG16 pendulum-emitter for healing or harmonization.
The simple but powerful technique of healing with numbers, and the Bi-Location technique which creates a beneficial distant connection with a sacred power spot.
Techniques for calibrating the pendulum to someone's energy field, and testing the beneficial or detrimental effect objects have on a person.
Some forms emit both beneficial and detrimental energies. We can correct these just as the ancients did with domes in sacred buildings and with the Egyptian pyramids.
A technique by which any object can be turned into an emitter of harmonious energy by simply adjusting its position. Various useful applications in the home.
How to design anything from a logo to a product so that it emits the harmonious BG3 energy qualities, bnefitting all those viewing it or interacting with it.
You will get 100s of Biosignatures, forms which support the energy of body organs, psychic protection etc. We learn to use them both physically and distantly.
A two-part lesson on harmonizing ourselves, our food, water medicines, the spaces we live and work in, and neutralizing electrical EMFs in our home.
An amazingly simple way of harmonizing the energy of a space or object using just a coloured sticker fixed in the right place. As used in the Chicken Farm experiment in Cairo.
Fascinating lesson on earth energies and leylines, how the ancients used them for sacred places and ritual. Also geopathic stress which can contribute to serious illness.
An important lesson on eliminating geopathic stress from your home by harmonising Hartmann, Curry & Benker grid-lines especially in the bedroom.

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